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proud to be your farmers

We are Yankee Beef. This is our story.

If I told you that we met in high school at our local county fair, would you believe me or are we just THAT cliche? It's true, right there in the dairy barn of our hometown fair I told my mom, "I just saw the CUTEST BOY EVER!"


We are high school sweethearts that endured a long distance college experience and then jumped right into a house remodeling project because apparently we are insane. Once we knew that we could remodel an old farmhouse together with little to no fighting, we knew we had it made.


In 2015 we got married at our family's beautiful pond and we got to work building a farm business that we could build our life around. I worked in sales as a business manager after college until 2017 but we wanted to ultimately raise our family at home on the farm. We had our son "JJ" in late spring of 2018 and he has been nothing but a blessing. Our angel baby Oliver was born prematurely in late 2019 and we unfortunately only got to know him for a very short time.


We've come to really include our farm customers as part of our family, we've hosted agritourism events over the years and we've truly opened our lives up to social media because sharing our journey + the way of life on a farm is so important to us. What you see it what you get, nothing is behind the scenes.


We believe that you should know where your food comes from, understand how it's raised and be able to have a relationship with the family behind it all. That is why we are here, to create an inclusive family of consumers that are comfortable asking us questions + happy to be experiencing life with us.

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